Author: Bonnie Davis, Chief Lean Officer

Lean Enterprise Institute (LEI), founded by James P. Womack in 1997, is a well-known nonprofit organization with a mission to advance Lean thinking and practices. Each year LEI holds a  summit that features keynote speakers and workshops to promote the advancement of Lean thinking.

In 2023, LEI leaders chatted with Miles Arnone and me about Re:Build Manufacturing, and then several months later they visited Re:Build Cutting Dynamics, located in Avon, Ohio, to observe our Lean transformation process. They were impressed with what they learned and asked us to share our story at their 2024 conference.

This year’s conference was held in March in Carlsbad, California, and the theme was “Shaping Tomorrow, Developing People.” Miles gave a keynote address in which he shared Re:Build’s story, mission and principles, and discussed why Lean is critical to Re:Build’s success and essential to developing people.

2024 LEI Summit and the Lean Difference

Proudly sporting his Re:Build Lean Event T-shirt, which highlighted the 30 Lean events that took place across the Re:Build organization in 2023, Miles generated enthusiastic interest in Re:Build and its Lean journey from the more than 600 participants in attendance.

2024 LEI Summit and the Lean Difference

I was honored to be able to share Re:Build CDI’s year one Lean transformation story in a workshop attended by more than 150 participants. People were eager to learn more about the Lean transformation process we use that ties strategy to action and drives a high level of employee engagement. Using a roadmap of rapid-improvement events supplemented by strategic projects, Re:Build CDI’s story highlights how the process was able to engage those closest to the work, drive action, improve the work performed, enable results to be tracked, and have a positive personal impact on the team. I thank Re:Build CDI for allowing me to share its Lean journey and learnings, as they truly have inspired others. I received many comments, such as, “It made the process feel possible and truly worth the work.”

2024 LEI Summit and the Lean Difference

Lean thinking is the foundation of our Re:Build Lean Operating System. Our Lean, Continuous Improvement, and Respect for People principles, which are part of our Re:Build Way,  are woven into our company DNA and inform all that we do.

Re:Build CDI found the Lean process to be the engine that empowered its culture and drove growth. It is now in year two of its transformation and kicking off a second value stream. Re:Build Oribi and Re:Build Composite Resources are also now following the transformation process. Re:Build Optimation is preparing to kick off their process this quarter.

A3 thinking, Lean fundamentals, our internal Yellow Belt certification, and a culture of collaboration, creativity, and innovation are all fueling Re:Build Manufacturing’s ongoing pursuit of excellence and our mission to help revitalize the American manufacturing base. Sharing our successes with other companies in formats such as the LEI Summit fully supports that mission.